We were inspired by Portside to pick some fun beach reads for the toddler set this summer! Check out our July Summer Seven!

Best Beach Reads for Toddlers 2022

1/ The Little Zodiac Series: Whatever your sign is, there's a little board book giving you the ins and the outs of your little one's astrological profile!

2/ Baby Elvis: We also have Baby Kiss, Baby Aeretha, Baby Janis and Baby Bowie, but we've chosen Elvis as he's having a cinematic moment right now. This book does not cover the carnie-manager (played by Tom Hanks) thank goodness. It's a book on opposites: think tight striped shirt and loose legs dancing. Always get a chuckle!

3/ Sunday Pancakes: Summer is the time of year that you don't have to wait til Sunday for pancakes (at least in our house), thankfully! And if we're not in a cooking mood, we'll hit Bubbys, bien sur! The illustrations by Maya Tatsukawa are sweet as sugar, and the book even features a recipe at the end!

4/ Flo Maflingo, How Pink Can She Go! Love this bright and fun book by Lizzie Walkley about a flamingo who is obsessed with being pinker and pinker. Don't want to spoil it, but curly tailed shrimp aren't the only game in town.

5/ The Magical Yet: This fun book by Angela DiTerlizzi with art by Lorena Alvarez is just what your frustrated little perfectionist needs. It's Carole Dwek's seminal Growth Mindset in a children's book touting the Magical Yet! 

6/ The Sea Below My Toes: This is a gorgeously illustrated book by Charlotte Guillain and Jo Empson folds out downward taking you deeper and deeper into the see. Take a journey through the waves and down to the manta rays and blobish and so many more!

7/ Lost in the Library: This story  by Josh Funk and illustrated by Stevie Lewis is a charming read through and through. Of course New Yorkers are familiar with the regal lions that flank the New York Public Library. Meet our protagonists Patience (the lion) and Fortitude (the other lion). After reading this one, a trip to the NYPL is definitey in order!

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