VISTA VS CAMELIONClockwise from the left: Cameleon and Vista Let the stroller games begin! IN THIS CORNER: THE UPPABABY VISTA! One step fold with or without seat attached, watch this stroller seamlessly transition between positions for easy travel.  The completely interchangeable bassinet and seat come included to keep you covered from birth to 50lbs and the easy to read red to green attachment indicators make switching a breeze.  The "no-flat" rubber and foam wheels guarantee a smooth ride no matter where you roll and the arched rear axle means you won't be kicking the stroller with every step. AND IN THIS CORNER: THE BUGABOO CAMELEON! Keeping you covered from birth to 37.5lbs, the Bugaboo Cameleon's classic silhouette is the king of convertibility and weighs in at just 21lbs.  The 3-in-1 design adapts to car seats, the reversible bassinette, and reversible seat with ease.  It's also easily car seat compatible with a variety of adapters available for a variety of manufacturers.  Start your day in City Exploration mode with the smaller, swivel wheels facing forward for a smooth, stable, easy-to-control ride!  Watch as it easily switches to allow you to Hit the Trail simply by reversing the handlebars so the large, foam wheels are forward! Marvel as it converts into a two wheeled stroller for snow and sand!  The reversible seat allows your child to face you or the world in one of three recline positions: flat for naptime, semi-upright for relaxation, and fully upright for when they're wide awake.  The adjustable suspension in four positions allows you to optimize the ride for a baby or for a toddler.  The Cameleon also features an easy on /off rain cover and an easily accessible hand break.  All fabrics are durable and machine washable so you can clean them as often as you need to without worry. So, ladies and gentlemen, take your seats, lay down your bets, and hit the comments section to see which of these two excellent contenders takes the title this week! -L.E.