Bugaboo Lynx

We got a chance to check out the Lynx, Bugaboo's most recent addition to their animal-friendly line up! This is like the little brother to the Fox and if you were in a standardized testing scenario in stroller-nerd school, you might see a problem like this:

The Cruz is to the Vista as the _________ is to the Fox

Answer: The Lynx!

It looks an awful lot like the Bugaboo Fox but is a bit more basic and has a smaller price tag of $899 (compared to $1236 / Fox). For the lesser price, there are a few less features, with a bit smaller wheels, no rear wheel suspension, no one-handed seat recline, no flip flop friendly brake and the stroller folds a bit bigger than its sibling. The biggest difference though (much like the Cruz/Vista comparison) is that the Lynx doesn't come with a bassinet. It, like the Fox, is a beautifully designed stroller, and will serve kids up until 50lbs. It works with the new Bugaboo Turtle infant car seat, as does the Fox, or with other of our favorites, including the Cybex Aton 2, Aton M, Cloud Q, and the Clek Liing.

The verdict: We like it! It's affordable, has all of the necessary features and is attractive. If you need the bassinet, though, (which we like for city kids, as we stroll so much, just using an infant car seat isn't ideal), we'd suggest the Fox, but if the child is a little older or if you are not an 8-hour a day stroll-through-the-neighborhooder, then the Lynx is your ride.